What Does My NERC CIP-005 Compliance Preparedness Score Mean?

For critical infrastructure organizations, building and maintaining a compliance program is an essential priority to ensure safety and reliability for customers. To achieve compliance that is both sustainable and manageable, it requires total organizational commitment to a culture of compliance that provides transparency, standardized processes and reliable data.

In reality, compliance is best viewed in the form of a preparation continuum, a journey that digitally transforms organizations from reactive to proactive, manual to automated, ad-hoc to standardized and non-compliance to compliance.

At Network Perception, we’ve developed an online tool to evaluate your NERC CIP-005 compliance program.

After taking this evaluation, you will receive a custom report with your preparedness score as well as specific recommendations for improvement as well as practical ideas to build-up your compliance and audit readiness.

How To Use Your Score

Your preparation score will fall between 1-100 percent (%). In the following chart we provide some additional context around your score within five distinct levels of preparation evolution, (1) Not Started Yet (2) Getting Started, (3) In Process, (4) Ready and (5) Automated.

Generally speaking, a utility that has a high preparation score has a culture of compliance featuring accountability, alignment, defined processes and effective technology.

Alternately, a lower preparation score can offer critical insights on where improvements and resources are most needed to achieve future compliance program sustainability.

Now that you know where you fall on the NERC CIP-005 compliance preparation continuum, you can now focus your time, energy and resources on addressing those critical gaps in your organization, team, process and technology.

Need help?

If you have questions regarding your NERC CIP-005 compliance preparation score and/or looking for ideas on how to use this information to improve your audit and compliance readiness, please contact us for a free consultation.