
Installing NP-View Desktop

June 7, 2024

NP-View is designed to run on a Windows 10 or Windows 11 with a recommended configuration of a 10th Gen Quad Core Processor and 16GB of RAM.  This configuration should be sufficient for processing large data files up to 500,000 lines.  Simultaneously loading and analyzing multiple devices with larger configuration files will maximize the use of available system resources and additional RAM may be required.

Installation Process

  • Sign up on the Portal website to download the latest version of NP-View Desktop and to download a license key.  A SHA256 checksum is supplied with each download.  You can calculate the checksum on the files you download to verify the integrity of the files:
    • Windows Powershell: Get-FileHash /the/full/path/to/your/filename.exe | Format-List
    • Linux: sha256sum /the/full/path/to/your/filename.Appimage
    • macOS 11: shasum -a 256 /full/path/to/your/filename.app
  • Windows 10/11:
    • Launch the Windows installer with a double click.
      • User may need to adjust UAC (User Access Controls) depending on security settings.
    • The only dependency required on Windows is .NET framework 4
    • Once installed, NP-View will automatically launch.
    • Allow ports for private/public network if prompted.

NP-View has been designed to run offline, which means that the network connections attempted towards a public NTP server, the local DNS server, and the Network Perception update server are optional and do not affect the system if the internet is unavailable. More information on configuring NP-View can be found here.