
Help Center

May 28, 2024

Help Center

The Help Center can be found on the system menu on the upper right corner of the topology.

The Help Center will display warnings or errors identified during the import of device files.

The information in the help center is designed to provide information for the tech support team to help diagnose the issues.

There are many types of possible errors including:

  1. Invalid file formats (e.g., .gif or .png)
  2. Improperly formatted files (files exported as text but loaded into a word processors where extra characters are added before saving).
  3. Incomplete set of files (many devices require more than one file for import this includes Palo Alto and IP tables)
  4. Misconfigured files where rules or objects are undefined.

As every customer has a different environment and possible device configurations are endless.  We sometimes run into a situation where the parser cannot handle the device as configured.  When this happens, we request the customer to sanitize the config file on the NP Poral and upload the file for debug purposes.  Support from our customers is important for us to quickly remediate parsing issues unique to a device or specific file.

The Help Center provides a download for the error log which can be submitted to technical support through the support portal.