
Change Tracking Report

February 21, 2024

Change Tracking


  • The Change Tracking Report logs modifications that are made to the network and the updated configuration files that are imported.
  • It can be accessed from the main menu
  • For every change, the timestamp, action, device, and description are recorded.
  • Changes are displayed and can be filtered by calendar day.
  • At the top of the table is a drop down that allows the user to select which day to review.
    • The default is the current day.


The Change Tracking Report can be:

  • searched
  • sorted by any column
  • switched to a list view
  • exported
  • and configured with alternate columns if required

These functions are available in the upper right corner of the table.

Change Types

The types of change actions that are logged are:

  1. File import – for each file uploaded, of the following statuses will be displayed:
    • successful import” – file imported successfully”
    • ignored file: <filename> – unknown file type, ignored
    • failed import” – file failed to import, review help center for reason
  2. Topology map – for each file uploaded, of the following statuses will be displayed for the topology map
    • device path information” – triggered if the connectivity matrix changes
      • Paths can be added or removed
      • Assets refers to destination IP addresses
      • Services refers to the unique ports (or any) associated with the imported device
      • Details on the above can be viewed in the Connectivity paths
    • topology updated” – indicates the topology map has been successfully updated
    • topology failure” – indicates the topology map has failed, review help center for reason
  3. Connectivity Paths – for each file uploaded, of the following statuses will be displayed for the workspace
    • workspace analysis updated” – all other tables have been successfully updated