
Connectivity Paths Report

February 13, 2024

This article will focus on the Connectivity Paths Report.

NP-View uses reports to present network information related to the open workspace.  These reports are available to all users and can be accessed from the main menu. For more information visit the Workspace Reports Overview article.

Connectivity Paths

This report provides a summary of network paths and their analysis results. Connectivity paths are created during the analyze process and are only available within a view. See this article for an overview of views.

The connectivity paths table provides a detailed explanation of the flow of information through the topology.  It describes the source and source node, destination and destination node, as well as the port, protocol and service.  The rue sequence traverses the access rules used to complete the path and the path sequence is the sequence of hops the path takes.

By clicking on a specific rule sequence from within the + box, the associated access rule can be displayed for review and comment.

Connectivity Paths Columns

  • Destination: (PATH_DST_IP_BEGIN : PATH_DST_IP_END) IP address range of the destination
  • Destination Node: (PATH_DST_NODES) device name or IP address of the destination node
  • Path Number: internally generated value used as a marker for each path.
  • Path Sequence: (PATH_SEQUENCE) List of IP address or devices traversed by the path from source to destination.
  • Port: (PATH_SRC_PORT_BEGIN ) The port that is open along the path
  • Protocol: (PATH_PROTOCOL) The protocol enabled on the path
  • Rule Sequence: (PATH_RULE_SEQUENCE) Access list sequence of rules and reference line number within the configuration file
  • Service: (PATH_SERVICE) The service that corresponds to the open port.
  • Source: (PATH_SRC_IP_BEGIN : PATH_SRC_IP_END) IP address range of the source
  • Source Node: (PATH_SRC_NODES) device name or IP address of the source node