System Logs

August 27, 2024

System Logs

Record of operating system events.

System Logs can be accessed from the main menu. Press L on the keyboard to open the system logs.

  • Data: The System Logs Table shows a detailed sequence of tasks attempted and completed.
  • Use: The System Logs Table is primarily used for system debugging and contains information, errors and warnings derived during system operation.
  • Filters: The System Logs Table has three views
    • Workspace
      • Displays all system actions for the open workspace
      • Available to the Administrator and Workspace Admin
    • User
      • Displays the actions taken by the current user on the open workspace
      • Available to the Administrator and Workspace Admin
    • System
      • Displays the overall operation of system across users and workspaces
      • Only accessible by the Administrator
  • Each view can be filtered to show only
    • Information
    • Errors
      • Errors are generated when a system operation fails to complete
    • Warnings
      • Warnings are generated during data parsing and when policy / requirement infractions are identified
    • All
      • Display all events.