
Users & Groups (Server)

February 24, 2024

Users & Groups

For NP-View server, each user will be assigned to one of three user groups:

  1. Administrator
    • Can create, view and edit workspaces
    • Has access to all users’ workspaces – including other administrators
    • Can share, transfer or export all workspaces
  2. Workspace Admin
    • Can create, view and edit workspaces
    • Workspace Admins have access to their own workspaces, and to ones that are shared with them.
    • Can share, transfer or export their own workspace workspace and export workspaces shared with them.
  3. Viewer
    • Viewers have no authoring capability and can only view workspaces that have been shared with them by Administrators or Workspace Admin’s

For local authentication, the group assignment is made when the user is created.

For Active Directory / LDAP, the assigned group is made in the authentication server.

For Radius, all users are assigned to the Administrator group.