
Summary Reports

August 27, 2024

Performing a regular review of your compliance metrics is important for your organization.  Performing the review manually is time consuming and tedious. Audit assistance provides the Compliance Team (Auditor, Compliance Officer, Compliance Analyst, and Consultants) with capabilities that allow users to:

  • Verify compliance with cybersecurity regulations and best practices through Policy Review.
  • Seamlessly store evidence for compliance review with Change Tracking.
  • Easily prepare compliance reports using the Audit Assistants listed below:

Workspace Report

The Workspace Report assistant is available within each workspace and will generate a report for a specific view that includes detailed information about configuration files that were imported and parsed including:

  • Configuration assessment report including risk alerts and warnings.
  • Device Information (Routes, Interfaces, and NAT Rules)
  • Access rules
  • Object groups
  • Connectivity paths

Industry Best Practice

Your license key will determine if The Best Practice assistant is available. This report is available within each workspace to generate a report for a specific view that includes the following topics:

  • Parser Warnings and potential misconfigurations
  • Unused Object Groups
  • Access Rules missing a justification
  • Unnamed nodes
  • NP Best Practice Policies on Access Rules and CiS Benchmarks that have identified potential risks
  • Topology summary and connectivity

NERC CIP Compliance

Your license key will determine if the NERC CIP assistant feature is activate. The NERC CIP assistant guides the user through the steps required to create a report covering CIP-005 requirements. The NERC CIP audit assistant is only available within a NERC-CIP workspace and allows audit teams to classify BES cyber assets as High, Medium, and Low based on the standards. We have added a category for untrusted (Internet, Corp, etc.) to tag non BES assets. NP-View allows compliance teams to collect and report evidence related to the following requirements:

  • CIP-002 – BES Cyber System Categorization; impact rating and 15-month review
  • CIP-003 – Security Management Control; cyber security policy
  • CIP-005 – Electronic Security Perimeter; remote access management
  • CIP-007 – System Security Management; ports and services
  • CIP-010 – Change Management and Vulnerability; configuration change management, configuration monitoring, vulnerability assessment

A demo workspace for the NERC CIP audit assistant is included with the software.  To see the audit assistant in action, follow these steps:

  1. Create a demo workspace using the system menu (upper right corner of the topology)
  2. Open the demo workspace to show the topology.
  3. Create a custom view by selecting all of the firewalls, right click, Create View from Selection and give it a name.
  4. Once the view is generated, select Manage Zones from the left menu and click on the Auto Generate Zones button.
    1. Red zones represent your high criticality assets.
    2. Orange zones represent your medium criticality assets.
    3. Yellow zones represent your low criticality assets.
    4. Gray zones represent your untrusted assets.
  5. On the left menu, select Summary Reports and the NERC-CIP Compliance Report
  6. Click through the wizard, the defaults will represent the selections suggested by the auto group function.
  7. Click Generate Report to view the report in a new tab.