
Network Visualization - Layer 2

January 31, 2025

This section describes extended support for Layer 2 devices in NP-View. This support was added in 6.0.1

Note that this feature will be under development for the next few releases as we build out the portfolio of features.

This feature is considered experimental

Layer 2 visibility

This feature adds baseline support for Layer 2 visibility.

Supported devices:

  • Cisco IOS
  • Cisco ASA

In addition to the layer 3 information inferred from ARP and Route tables, NP-View imports MAC and Interface tables to begin to support layer 2 interfaces. This data is automatically collected by the supported device connectors. Route and Interface data is loaded with the configuration file, while the ARP and MAC data can be added independently to views as auxiliary data.

If loading data manually, load only one configuration file at a time and include all auxiliary data on the same import for proper file association.

Layer 2 Capabilities:

  • Control the map from Topology Settings to display or hide Layer 2 Nodes / Links.
  • Control the map to expand or collapse Layer 2 Networks and attached hosts.
  • Search function to locate, highlight, and open the info panel of a Layer 2 node.
  • View VLAN information on the node info panel.
  • View Layer 2 / VLAN data in the interface table.

Layer 2 connections are represented by a blue dotted line to a gateway.

To see the Layer 2 details, enable the 'Show Layer 2 Connections' from the topology settings.

Once enabled, Layer 2 networks will be displayed as teal clouds. Hosts / endpoints will be displayed as classic hosts.

Endpoints defined from Layer 2 communications will display the MAC Address where Layer 3 hosts will display a hostname or IP address. Only Layer 2 endpoints with and IP address can be considered for verification.

Clicking on the endpoint will display the info panel with the addition of the new VLAN section.

Note that Layer 2 topologies can get very complex very quickly.


  • Duplicate L2 and L3 networks and endpoint may occur if there is no data tying them together.
  • Layer 2 from Layer 3 can add a lot of data to the topology making navigation and topology save slower than usual.
  • Path analysis does not apply to Layer 2.

Adding a network switch without a config file

There are cases where not all devices have a configuration file (e.g., layer 2 switches) or the configuration file cannot be retrieved.

To fill the void, we created a method to add a network switch to the topology using a manually generated file.

Creating the file

The following is an example of the data that is required. The text file should be a properly formatted YAML ending with .YAML or .YML or it won’t be classified correctly and the import will fail. Note that each manually created switch will use a device license. Be sure to not use special characters within the device name or the interface names. Stick with alphanumeric characters, underscores can be used as shown below.

# This first line must be present, and the identifier must be np_custom_device 
file_identifier: np_custom_device 
# The name of the device, will be represented as such in the app 
device_name: custom_l2_switch 
# Vendor string, merely a description of the device 
vendor: netgear 
# A list of interfaces on the device, you need at least one interface 
  - name: eth0 
    mac_addr: 0000:1b2b:fefe 
  - name: eth1 
    mac_addr: 0101:acdc:80ba 

When the above .YAML file is loaded into NP-View, the following device will displayed in NP-View.

With the following interfaces:

Adding endpoints to a .yaml network switch

When adding one or more Layer 2 switches using the .YAML method, the next logical step is to add endpoints. To manually add endpoints, we have created a method using a complementary .xlsx file called the Common Data Model.

Creating the Common Data Model file

The template for the Common Data Model file is shown below. The columns headers must match the template and row 2 is an optional row.

  • vLAN ID - the VLAN id for the connection (optional)
  • Device - name of the device to connect the endpoint to.
  • Interface Name - Interface on the device to connect the endpoint to.
  • Interface MAC - MAC address of the interface on the endpoint.
  • Interface IP - IP address of the interface on the endpoint (optional).
  • Attached MAC - MAC address of the interface on the connected device.
  • Attached IP - IP address of the interface on the connected device.

The rest of the columns in the template are placeholders for future data. While these columns will not be imported, the headers are required. These columns are:

  • Description
  • Conf State
  • Trunk
  • Subnet Mask
  • vLAN Name
  • IF State

The CDM example above has been exported to a .csv to use as a template.

vLAN ID,Device,Interface Name,Interface MAC,Interface IP,Attached MAC,Attached IP,Description,Conf State,Trunk,Subnet Mask,vLAN Name,IF State
sh run,sh run,sh run,sh mac addr,sh run,,,,,,,,

When the .YAML file and the CDM file are loaded at the same time, the following topology is rendered.

Connecting the .yaml network switch to a Firewall / Router

The next logical step is to connect the .YAML switch to the rest of the network. To do this, one of the interfaces defined in the .YAML (eth1) file must represent a connection to another firewall, router or switch. The example below is a config for a generic router.

! Last update 2025-01-22
version 12.4
no service pad

service tcp-keepalives-in
service tcp-keepalives-out
service password-encryption
hostname basic_router
enable secret 5 *****
ip routing
no ip bootp server
no ip source-route

interface Loopback0
ip address
no ip redirects
no ip unreachables
no ip proxy-arp
ip flow ingress

! Repeat this INTERFACE block as needed for each connection, 
! incrementing interface number. Note that you do NO need to
! match the remote L2 media type.  

interface  FastEthernet0/1
  description esp
  ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip unreachables  
  no ip proxy-arp
interface  FastEthernet0/2
  description link
  ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip unreachables  
  no ip proxy-arp

interface  eth1
  description link
  ip address
  no ip redirects
  no ip unreachables  
  no ip proxy-arp

no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
ip route
no ip gratuitous-arps 
no ip source routing
line con 0
 password 7 *****
line aux 0
 password 7 *****

Adding the generic router to the topology displays as follows: